Soccer Cup

Over the past few weeks, the children have been busy training for the Gronau Primary School Football Cup in PE lessons and in the school playground. Ms. Eink even did a little tactics training with the children. Each class level put together a girls' and a boys' team of ten players each.

On Wednesday morning, all the players gathered with their coaches in the school playground. Final arrangements were made and the blue jerseys were distributed. Well prepared, they took the bus to the soccer pitch at Laubstiege. Everyone gave their best, so that many goals were scored and some victories were achieved. In the end, there were some good placings. The third and fourth grade girls and the second grade boys were able to secure fourth place. The boys from the first, third and fourth grades finished in third place. The second grade girls even managed second place. The children were rewarded for their efforts with a medal. There was even a trophy for the first three places.

The soccer tournament

I was at the soccer tournament. We went there by bus. When we arrived, our first game was against Buterland School and we won 2:0. In the last few games we always drew 0-0. But we got 2nd place. And the boys from my class came 4th.

Mora (Class 2a)