
On Monday, 24.06.2024, we kicked off our project week with a big event. The company Trixitt set up various stations in our school playground and in the sports hall. All the stations invited children to move and play. The main focus was on team spirit.

In the morning, all classes started together on the meadow with a short welcome and introduction. We then warmed up together and went from station to station in our classes so that all the children could try out all the stations. A big highlight for everyone was the large inflated obstacle course. The aim was to overcome it as quickly as possible. The large wall at the end of the course was a particular challenge that the pupils had to overcome. In the end, everyone managed to overcome the obstacle! The pupils were able to collect points at all the stations. There were also points for fariness and team spirit. In the end, we collected over 2000 points together! Wow!