"Fit and healthy" project days

On Tuesday and Wednesday, two project days on the subject of exercise and health took place at Martin Luther School following the Trixitt school sports event.

On Tuesday morning, all students gathered in the schoolyard and were divided into groups across classes. This allowed them to make and strengthen contacts outside the classroom. Over the course of the two days, each group worked on projects relating to exercise, healthy eating, relaxation and the senses.

New 1toMove games could be tried out in the school playground during the movement project. There was also a dance activity with Gika. In the healthy eating project, a delicious fruit salad and colorful vegetable dishes were prepared together. At the end, the pupils were of course able to taste their homemade dishes. In the relaxation project, the students learned about different strategies that help them relax. They went on a dream journey together, tried out various yoga exercises, massaged each other and painted to calming music. In the senses project, the children were able to try out their five senses. They were able to walk along a barefoot path, test their sea legs in the sea test and put their sense of hearing and smell to the test in a memory game. The many different activities on offer taught us a lot about our bodies and a healthy lifestyle.

There was another highlight at the end of the project days. During the break, all the children danced together with Gika to the song Stumblin'In, which they had practiced together in PE lessons over the last few weeks. It was great fun!