1 to move

Playing in colored zones in the schoolyard

Award ceremony: 1 to move

The MLS has won the integration award "Gronau connects". With the concept 1 to move all children can play together, because at play everyone is equal. On 01.10.2021 the prize was officially awarded.

All coaches of the MLS were presented with a certificate by the mayor Rainer Doetkotte.

How does 1 to move work?

Playing in colored zones in the schoolyard.

Blue zone: The children can play alone, e.g. jumping rope, diabolo.
Yellow zone: The children play alone, but take turns.
Orange zone: Here all the children play together. There is no winner or loser.
Green Zone: The children play in teams and try to reach a goal.
RedZone: The children play against each other. Fair play is especially important here.
White zone: Rest zone. Here the children can rest.