
On Tuesday, 8.8.2023, we welcomed the new first graders to our school. The enrollment ceremony started with a joint service in the St. Antonius Church in Gronau. In the prayer we talked about what is learned in school. Symbolically, Mrs. Scheck had packed a suitcase with different objects. Together they thought about what the objects could stand for. After the service, Mrs. Aktan welcomed the new students and their parents to the schoolyard. The third graders also welcomed the children to Martin Luther School with various musical and dance contributions.

Afterwards, the children of 1a with their class teacher Mr. Guhr and the children of 1b with their class teacher Mrs. Anders already had their first real lesson. Thus, the children were able to get to know their classroom, their classmates and, of course, their class animal on the first day.

We wish all new students a wonderful and exciting first school year at Martin Luther School.