Visit to the Rock'n Pop Museum

The trip to the Rock n Pop Museum

I went to the Rock n Pop Museum with my class 4a. We did cool things there. We dressed up and pretended we were a music band. Then we made rattles.

The first one, where we pretended to be a band, I didn't dare at first. Then I dared.

Finally, we went to the exhibition to look at musicians. That was great.


Class 4a at the Rock n Pop Museum

I liked the Rock n Pop Museum. I liked the karaoke best because we could sing and choose music. We could choose costumes and take a guitar.

And I also liked the exhibition because we could listen to music and learn all about rock and pop.


The trip to the Rock n Pop Museum

First we went into a room where we could hang up our things. Then we were divided into two groups. I was in the group that went to the craft room first. The others were in the music room. We were given a cardboard tube that we had to decorate on the outside first. When we had finished, we had to tape the bottom side shut. Then we got some aluminum foil, pressed it together and put it inside. The aluminum foil is there to prevent the things that are about to go in, the rice or the peas, from getting moldy. Then we chose a soft sheet of fabric to put on the top and bottom of the roll. One person had to hold the fabric at the top, while the other had to wrap the thread around it.

Then we went to the music room. We had to change into funny clothes. Then we could choose songs and sing them. That was fun.

Then we put on headphones. We then listened to various songs.

It was a lot of fun.


The trip to the Rock n Pop Museum

First we were divided into two groups. My group was first to do handicrafts. The second group was singing. We made an instrument. The second group had to get changed. While the second group sang, we made things.

When they were finished, we changed our clothes. Then we sang. Later, the other group came and watched us.

Then we had breakfast. After five minutes, the breakfast break was ready.

After that, we had to put on headphones and a cell phone. Then we went into a room and watched Udo Lindenberg. My favorite song was Deep Purple.

Finally, we said goodbye and went back.
