12.02.2025 Visit to the cinema for classes 1a and 1b12.02.2025Muffelfurzteufel, was that olchig! On Wednesday, February 5, 2025, the first grade students went on a trip to the nearby cinema. Together they watched the movie "The Olchis". It was a great trip.Learn more
11.02.2025 Indoor sports festival11.02.2025We stay fit! Children at Martin Luther School celebrate indoor sports festival.Learn more
03.02.2025 Mediators and junior coaches at the cinema03.02.2025The junior coaches and the Year 4 mediators visit the movie theater.Learn more
16.01.2025 Kiko introduces itself16.01.2025Children's conference discusses important topicsLearn more
02.01.2025 GTG designs winter windows02.01.2025The children from the all-day program decorate the windows in the kitchen with Christmas and winter motifs.Learn more